Your skin loves ingredient made from Tomatoes

Your skin loves ingredient made from Tomatoes

Tomato at the food market
Tomato at the food market

Looking for really healthy, beautiful skin? You might want to eat more marinara sauce. It sounds like a joke, but it turns out the classic combo of olive oil and tomatoes is filled with goodies that may give your skin an antioxidant boost to reduce inflammation, minimize sun damage, and fight back against fine lines.

Sadly, this doesn’t mean we get to binge on pizza or penne in the name of glowing skin.  The scientists have not found any proven skin benefits of mozzarella cheese and wheat flour. Yes, it makes me sad too. But more and more dermatologists are telling people to get on the tomato train because of the many benefits of something called lycopene — the nutrient your skin never even knew it needed.

To find out more about the connection between tasty tomatoes and super skin, I spoke to dermatologists to get the straight scoop on lycopene.

What is Lycopene?

The lycopene is a red color nutrient in the family carotenoids that gives tomatoes, watermelons, and guavas their signature hue. Since it is found natural in a few red and pink fruits and vegetables, tomatoes have the most lycopene by far. In the tomato ripens, it is lycopene content gets higher and higher.

Why are this ripen, red tomatoes so good for us?  The lycopene is a great food derived anti-oxidant with many skin benefits that span the entire skin wellness spectrum.  The nutrient not only quenches free radicals but also induces the body’s own protection mechanism against oxidative stress and inflammation, enhancing skin resilience and allowing skin cells to better cope with the environment.
In simpler terms

If you are too many free radicals, it stresses the body. The Anti-oxidants render the free radicals harmless, helping reduce stress, inflammation, and signs of aging. The lycopene is an especially heavy anti-oxidant, so it can help your overall health along with the appearance of your skin. And anti-oxidants help us reverse signs of aging, which means plumper skin and reduced fine lines. All the way tomatoes help you look a little younger and feel a little better.

By - R. Thomas, Choose Healthy Food


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