Make good eating habit with these Natural food!

Red Tomatoes

Good eating habit with  these Natural food!

A story about the Bad food habit

I will tell a small story how is useful if you change your bad habit these simple ways. A small incident will you understand better. In a small town living a man and he has spent most of his adult life eating nearly entirely a fast food diet.

He don’t know cooking had never tried to cooked a meal before, and as hard as it is to face, that’s the reality of many people in today’s life style. When he felt hungry he used to fast food restaurants often. Every day after work, he would stop by fast food shop and get a large meal it was his normal routine.

It is really easy way but it’s cost not only your money but also it will affect your health also. The way all it takes is the strong desire to make a change right? We all know it’s not easy to make a radical change suddenly!
Close-Up Photo of a Cheese Burger
 Photo of a Cheese Burger

If he follow a natural food style that his health wasn’t the only thing that would take a turn for the better! By using the natural plant food, he was able to reduce his weekly food spending dramatically up-to 80%.

If one to fully appreciate the drastic changes, he would experience following a natural food diet and doing blood test he would see surprising his cholesterol numbers become the normal.

Most of death in the United States is heart disease due to LDL Cholesterol (bad cholesterol) primary risk factor. If one committed to eating healthy natural food for at least few weeks and started thriving. His energy levels increased significantly, his bloat disappeared and he did what he set out to do, which was lose some weight. 

But the most exciting part is his cholesterol levels went down normal healthy state and reducing his previously high-risk of heart disease.
Make good eating habit with these Natural food!

Fries and Burger on Plate
Fries and Burger on Plate

Make good eating habit with these Natural food!

The benefit of natural food is truly amazing! Only one or two week for your health to improve dramatically and it just gets better from there. You can take this drugs your whole life, with all these side effects, or you can continue to eat this healthy natural food.

Adopting a lifestyle not only changes your life but it can become the beginning of the change for many others. People will get so inspired by seeing your transformation they will want to follow in your footsteps.

Starting this journey can be life-changing and oh so gratifying! You will feel better, look better, all while knowing you are being kinder to the world. But if you want this to be a lifestyle, you might need to follow and get some details from the experts. Get the natural food and do a challenge with your colleague and to share your experience with others how you achieve this through natural vegetable meals with fruits!

The followings are the Good and Natural food...


Close-up Photography of Apples
Close-up Photography of Apples
Soybeans have a high concentration of isoflavones, a type of phytochemical. Phytochemicals are compounds that occur naturally in plants. Some research demonstrates that isoflavones in soy help reduce the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or "bad" cholesterol in the blood.
A few studies have shown that soy may prevent age-related memory loss. Soy isoflavones might also reduce bone loss and increase bone mineral density during menopause, as well as decreasing menopausal symptoms.
Vegetable Lot
Vegetable Lot



It’s high in fiber, vitamin C, and numerous antioxidants. Apples are very perfect snack if you find yourself hungry between meals.


It’s different than most fruits because they are loaded with healthy fats instead of carbs. They are creamy and tasty also high in fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.


It’s among the world’s best sources of potassium. Bananas are also high in vitamin B6 and fiber, as well as convenient and portable.


The higher levels of flavonoids in berries have been shown to lower the risk of a heart attack. A few commonly identified superfood berries include acai berries, blueberries, rashberries, tart cherries, cranberries, and goji berries.
         Acai berries are small, dark purple berries grown in South America. They contain 19 amino acids and many antioxidants.
Blue Berries Close Up Photography
Blue Berries Close Up Photography
      Blueberries are high in fiber, manganese, and vitamin K. Cranberries are high in a particular flavonoid that helps lower the risk of urinary tract infection.
       The goji berries are a small red berry native to Asia that are high in vitamin C and E, along with many different types of flavonoids. They are frequently used in Eastern medicine to help treat diabetes and high blood pressure and maintain eye, liver, and kidney health.


Tea contains few calories, helps with hydration, and is a good source of antioxidants. Catechins, potent antioxidants found primarily in green tea, have beneficial anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties.

Nuts and seeds

These are high in fat and calories, nuts and seeds may help you lose weight. It’s crunchy, filling, and loaded with important nutrients that many people don't get enough of, including magnesium and vitamin E.


Assorted Vegetable Lot
Assorted Vegetable Lot
It available wide variety, and it’s best to eat many different types every day.


It’s a popular vegetable and asparagus low in both carbs and calories but loaded with vitamin K.

Bell peppers

It’s come in several colors, including red, yellow, and green. Bell peppers are crunchy and sweet, as well as a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C.


It’s taste great both raw and cooked and source of fiber and vitamins C and K and contains a decent amount of protein compared with other vegetables.


Carrots are a popular root vegetable extremely crunchy with nutrients like fiber and vitamin K. It’s very high in carotene antioxidants.


Cauliflower is a very versatile cruciferous vegetable used to make a multitude of healthy dishes.


It’s famous vegetable it has very low carbs and calories, consisting mostly of water contain a number of nutrients in small amounts, including vitamin K.


Garlic is incredibly healthy contains bioactive compounds that have powerful biological effects, including improved immune function.


Assorted Nuts Lot
Assorted Nuts Lot
Kale has incredibly high in fiber, vitamins C and K, and a number of other nutrients adds to salads and other dishes.


It’s a very strong flavor and very popular in recipes. Onion is contains number of bioactive compounds to have health benefits.


It’s one of the important vegetable for used many food recipes. Tomatoes are tasty you can eat it without cooking. It fill with nutrients like potassium and vitamin C.
Written by - A. Sutheer, The Choose Healthy Food


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